seo tools

10 Best SEO Tools to Boost Your Blog Traffic in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving organic traffic to websites and improving online visibility. To navigate the complexities of SEO effectively, businesses and marketers rely on a diverse array of tools specifically designed to analyze, optimize, and track website performance. These SEO tools offer invaluable insights into keyword research, competitor analysis, on-page optimization, and link-building strategies. With their comprehensive features and user-friendly interfaces, SEO tools empower users to enhance their website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) and achieve sustainable growth in online presence and traffic.

List of the Best Free SEO Tools

There are many free SEO tools available that can help you position yourself and analyze your blog’s situation. Given the abundance of the offer, it can sometimes be difficult to navigate, knowing that it is also possible to optimize your site for free. Here are the best free SEO tools to look for.

1. MonsterInsights


MonsterInsights is the most popular Google Analytics extension for WordPress. It is a great free tool to increase your traffic and observe user behavior on your site. You can quickly identify relevant statistics to improve the functioning of your blog. Its use is very simple since a few clicks are enough to activate all the advanced features you need. MonsterInsights comes with a Google Analytics dashboard for WordPress. The analysis reports that are shown to you can be used directly in this dashboard.

The statistics are sorted in order to show you the most relevant elements that will help you increase your traffic. As soon as you enter the Settings tab, you are guided through the entire procedure, but you must first have Google Analytics. The free version of MonsterInsights gives you access to its main features.

The extension shows you, among other things, your bounce rate as well as the number of page views and the number of sessions. You get a lot of relevant information about the users of your site as well as the sites that bring you traffic. The results are obtained quickly and presented. It is, therefore a complete and powerful tool.

You can use this tool for all your blogs.  You don’t have to connect to Google Analytics to view traffic statistics. You can see very quickly which content is attracting the most traffic.

2. Rank Math SEO


Rank Math SEO is a free WordPress SEO plugin. Its functionalities are advanced even if its installation and use are very easy. A guide is provided in case of difficulty with the configuration.

To use this plugin, you must first create an account on Rank Math. The interface respects the same spirit of clarity and simplicity.

The features of Rank Math SEO are numerous and useful. The possibilities are very extensive. You can, for example, manage 404 errors. You also get a report clearly showing you the problems. With this SEO tool, you can also easily manage the SEO of your blog. It is also possible to display your content on the knowledge graph. Additionally, your Yoast settings can be imported.

One of the coolest things about Rank Math SEO is the ability to see the score out of 100 of the keywords you want to use. It is one of the best ways to optimize your SEO. The offer also includes a site map that lists the contents of your site to help Google index them under the best conditions. The contents to be indexed on the list are checked in advance. You can uncheck the items you don’t want. The number of options is interesting, and you will benefit more if you are an expert. The more you take advantage of the various features, the better your SEO will be.

Moreover, an SEO extension and ranking monitor software is essential for your blog to rank higher in Google.

3. Google Search Console


Google Search Console is one of the most widely used free tools. It is a very important tool for natural referencing and to see how Google proceeds to index and reference the pages of your site. A robot crawls your pages, and the relationship between crawling and statistics ensures that you get a clear picture of the evolution of several elements of your site. The report indeed gives you indications on the number of pages and the number of kilobytes explored per day. You also get statistics on the download time of a page on your site, which has an influence on SEO.

The number of pages crawled per day must also be increasing. Google Search Console also helps you identify links that lead to a 404 page. Google Search Console provides search traffic analysis. You can know which pages are well-referenced and from which queries they are referenced. The analysis is conducted based on the relationship between search traffic and search analytics. The tool also performs an analysis based on the relationship between search traffic and links to your site.

This tool has other advantages, such as its mobile ergonomics and its structured data. A report on this data allows you to check whether Google interpreted your semantic markup correctly. In my opinion, Google Search Console is the ultimate SEO tool. As it is a Google tool, it provides very accurate statistics, unlike other SEO tools. It indicates the search volume of keywords, the number of clicks on your articles, or the positioning of your blog in the search engine.

The Best SEO Tools for Content Optimization

Many tools are available to optimize your content and improve your SEO. The choice is vast in order to give you the means to define an adequate keyword strategy and to create quality content. Here are the best SEO tools for content optimization.

4. Surf SEO


Surfer SEO is a very comprehensive and popular on-page optimization tool. Its objective is the creation of improved and optimized content for search engines. It helps you write high-quality blog posts. Surfer SEO analyzes the content of the pages best positioned in search engines and gives instructions for creating optimized content. The analysis is based on one or more keywords.

Surfer SEO, therefore, helps you improve the content of your blog based on what works best. It gives an indication of the minimum number of words to write or the keywords to include in the article to be well positioned. You can directly create quality content and find the keywords that will make you stand out. Surfer SEO works from three main tools, which are SERPs analysis, content editor, and keyword research. Personally, it’s one of my favorite SEO tools.

It can help you determine the length of content needed, use relevant keywords, and outline your articles. You can use it systematically to write new content or to optimize existing articles.

5. BuzzSumo


BuzzSumo is a very effective social media analysis tool. It searches for content from your queries and informs you about the results from your preferences and from social media shares.

BuzzSumo makes it possible to analyze the best performing content. You are able to identify the most shared content when it comes to an author or topic. You can also follow the results and successes of your competitors.

The functionalities of BuzzSumo are multiple when it comes to analyzing social networks. You can perform an analysis of social media campaigns and advertising. You can also generate thousands of relevant keywords and discover the words and phrases your prospects are looking for. This tool helps you understand which keyword is becoming popular. You also get cost-based data insights.

Also read : SEO Analysis Tools For Complete Solution

6. Answer The Public

Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a tool that aims to generate questions and associations of ideas related to a proposed theme. So you can get a list of relevant keywords that people use when they search. The tool is very useful for knowing the most searched topics and provides a large number of article ideas on the topics to be covered. You usually find associations of new and unexpected ideas. The operation of Answer The Public is very simple since all you have to do is type in a keyword. The tool then provides you with a list as well as suggestions and comparisons relating to the topic you want to discuss.

You can also see the phrases and questions people are asking about your keyword. As the lists are developed from user questions, you can anticipate their needs. Answer the public is therefore a very effective tool for your SEO strategy. In addition to the information provided, you receive updates on your favorite topics. It will help you find an interesting point of view when approaching a topic.

7. Ubersuggest


Ubersuggest is an SEO tool that has been offering a paid version for some time. It essentially aims to improve your traffic by giving you, among other things, an overview of the strategies that work for your competitors. You have the opportunity to adopt the same type of strategy and improve it to get ahead of your competitors. You have free access to basic data but in a more limited number. One of its biggest strengths is Ubersuggest ‘s keyword generator. You get the search volume for the keyword you are analyzing. You also have access to the cost per click with regard to SEA.

You are also informed about the difficulties with SEA and SEO. The difficulty of positioning yourself for a keyword depends, among other things, on the behavior of your competitors.

Ubersuggest also lets you know which content is shared the most on the networks and attracts the most visitors. You can therefore know the contents whose performance is the best, and the tool tells you how much it is possible to generate traffic if you favor the same type of content.

You also have a dashboard that allows you to analyze your site and that of your competitors.

The Best SEO Tools for SEO Audit

The SEO audit is the analysis that helps you identify the causes of a low positioning of your site in search engines. Several tools are available to help you solve this type of problem.

Here are the best SEO tools for SEO audits.

8. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is a very complete tool for all aspects of SEO. It is mainly aimed at experienced users. It offers many features, such as backlink analysis, auditing your site, and analyzing your competitors’ strategies. So you are able to improve your performance and identify SEO issues. Its backlink index is particularly impressive.

Several other features are offered by Ahrefs, such as position tracking and keyword research. You also have access to general monitoring and that of your main competitors and you can search by content. The tool is perfect for finding the right keywords and analyzing competitors. Several types of paid plans are available if you want to have more advanced features.

9. SEMrush


SEMrush is a gold standard when it comes to tracking website visibility. It is ideal for everything related to natural referencing. You can also monitor social networks and manage the interactions that take place there. SEO campaigns can be tracked over a long period of time. Experts find many interesting features in it. The range of possibilities is very wide.

Among the features offered, SEMrush stands out with its offer based on project construction. It allows you to work on optimizing the performance of your site in the long term. You are therefore not only entitled to a one-time analysis. You can measure how your strategy is changing. Throughout the process, you also receive SEO and social media advice.

10. Cocolyze


Cocolyze is an all-in-one SEO tool with multiple features. It is simple to use and beginners can use it very well. It is available in French. Rates vary depending on the number of web projects involved.

You are entitled, among other things, to a positioning follow-up that allows you to be warned each time one of your keywords changes position. You also have an SEO analysis of the pages and the analysis of the links. Cocolyze also offers recommendations in addition to informing you about the behavior of your competitors.

The Final Word

The choice of tools to boost your traffic is very wide. Whatever your priority, there are tools to help you optimize the performance of your paid blog. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, it is always possible to use powerful free SEO tools or paid in a field that is still evolving.

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